السبت، 19 مارس 2022

Top 3 Demanded Watches in Kuwait

حقائق مدهشة عن الساعات المميزة

The thing about watches is that they have come a really long way over the past few years. Watches today are not just used as a time-keeping device, but they are also used to show off a certain person's identity or even their wealth. A person's watch can be as important as a ring or a necklace.

Here are the top 3 most demanded watches in Kuwait


  1.    Rolex

Rolex is the leading brand in luxury wristwatches. The company produces more than 800,000 watches a year. Some of the world's most famous athletes wear Rolex watches, including Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson.



 2.    Hublot

Hublot is a Swiss watch manufacturer, currently part of the LVMH group. Developed a watch in a style not seen so far The luxury housing was made ​​of gold held with 12 titanium screws, and the bracelet was in black rubber. According to the shape of the watch, it was called “Hublot”



1.    TAG Heuer

TAG Heuer S.A. is one of the world's leading manufacturers of luxury and sports performance watches and other high-end and high-precision timepieces. TAG Heuer has long been a synonym for innovation in the watch industry, a tradition the company has continued to the present.

You Can Check out these Demanded Watches Here




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